Summary Data for Account Number:
Meter Bill Group Number:
Meter Reading Schedule: View Schedule
** Rate Legend:
Summary usage data is displayed at the rate level for each billing period. Accounts may have more than one rate.
Monthly Peak Demand represents the coincidental peak demand during the billing period for all meters on an account.
N/A = PLC value and/or Supply Group data is not currently available, please use the Data Request form to obtain the current PLC values.
ComEd, as an Electric Distribution Company (EDC) member of the PJM Interconnection, LLC (PJM), is responsible for determining the Peak Load Contribution (PLC) for each load serving entity within the ComEd zone. Two unique values are created for each electric account: Capacity PLC and Network Service PLC. Retail Electric Suppliers may use these account values in determining supply and transmission resources and requirements for associated customers.
The Capacity PLC and Network Service values are calculated annually and assigned to a premise for an entire plan year. ComEd will not recalculate and revise a customer's PLC/NSPLC outside of the normal annual update process unless it is determined that the customer's PLC/NSPLC was incorrectly calculated.